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Gifted Education

Challenge is the title given to the Lee County Gifted program. Students, grades kindergarten through twelve, in the Lee County School District who demonstrate a high degree of intellectual and/or creative abilities, exhibit an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/or excel in specific academic fields are provided with special instructional services by the Program for Gifted Students. The State Board of Education determines eligibility criteria for placement in this program. Teachers, counselors, administrators, parents or guardians, peers, self, and other individuals with knowledge of the student’s abilities may make referrals in writing to Joanna Lane for consideration for eligibility for gifted services. For a summary of eligibility criteria or for further information about the Lee County Program for Gifted Students, please contact the Gifted Program teacher, Joanna Lane, at Lee County Primary School any day 3:00 – 3:45 or email her at
